Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Fun and Informative Preschool Activities For Kids

Getting your kid interested in preschool activities can be quite a difficult task for some teachers and parents. Preschools near Whittier encourage kids to be inventive and knowledgeable about the world. These creative tricks provide several learning opportunities for your children. Here are a few ideas for Montessori kindergarten activities:

Story Class

Young kids love listening to interesting stories rather than reading on their own. Telling stories in Preschool class can be fun and informative. Teachers can make this activity more interesting by involving images and objects while narrating stories to kids. You can also include activities like making creative objects using clay and dough. Preschool Whittier also uses particular toys as tale characters making the procedure more attention-grabbing.

Nature Introduction 

This kind of activity is about knowing our surroundings and nature. Kids in Montessori kindergarten are motivated to know the important aspects about nature. Teachers take the children’s group to Zoos. Kids learn to interact with friendly birds and animals. They also learn several things about nature and its impact on human lives. In some schools, aquariums are also kept in classrooms to encourage kids about pets. 

Jovial Activities

Kids are encouraged to participate and learn about their festivals and traditions through festive activities. Preschools perform tricks according to some particular festivals  including Christmas, Krishna Janmashtami, Easter and many others. These activities help children to learn about their culture and historical events, great men and women from ancient times. Activities such as adorning the Christmas Tree or participating in the Fancy Dress competition as Lord Krishna help them to understand their culture.
The preschool kids study lots of lessons like nature, creativity, culture and more. Montessori Kindergarten schools are known for growing overall personality of children and these activities are vital part of their program. Apart from these activities, they also organize summer special programs where kids learn sports and other courses such as swimming, playing guitar, music, art, language and other activities. 

Primanti Montessori school in Whittier is such a popular school in LA that focus on overall development of their students rather than concentrating only on academic level.

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